​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Trusted Infant Care
Families trust the caregivers at Bronx Day Care to provide highly attentive and genuine care for their infants. When you start your infant in our infant care program, the family fills out an “Infant Information Record” and the “Infant Feeding Schedule.” This information helps us to care effectively for your child by helping us to understand their eating and sleeping patterns during their visits to our nursery school for baby care.
Our goal is to work with you to provide the best care possible for your child.
Every baby can be seen and heard at all times.
Parents and caregivers share information about the infant’s activities and development on a daily basis, which builds mutual understanding and trust.
Infants are placed to sleep on their backs on a firm surface unless otherwise ordered by a physician.
At the end of the day, the family takes their child’s “Infant Daily Experience Sheet” home to see how their patterns were affected during the newborn’s daycare day.
We Arranged Our Infant Program So Each Infant Can Form A Bond With A Primary Caregiver
Alert to their cues, adults hold children or move them to a new place or position, allowing them to look at or interact with their surroundings in a variety of ways.
The primary caregivers are responsible for all the paperwork for that group, as well as changing diapers, feeding during meals, and more. Having them be responsible is our method of making sure we miss nothing in an infant’s care. However, all children are cared for by all of the staff in the classroom.
Unlike many other nurseries, our individualized activities are planned so that the infant progressively advances from one development level to another. Our caregivers are experienced and well trained in infant care and development.
We Do More Than Meet Your Child’s Needs
Infants receive a varied and stimulating experience in a loving environment.
The low child-to-adult ratio gives caregivers the opportunity to work with your child at their own pace.
Caregivers talk, sing and read to babies, improving infants’ language acquisition.
We consider the infant’s individual preferences for food and styles of eating.